Sunday 6 September 2009

don't quit the day job

A recent list, compiled by Empire magazine, revealed 25 movie stars who sing. The talent on show varies from the gifted Russell Crowe to the vocally challenged Eddie Murphy. A massive variety of styles and genres exist within the list but the general feeling is that these guys and gals should stick to their dayjobs. Aside from some rare exceptions (Milla Jovovich being one) these people were made to act and its just not fair for them to have two dream jobs.
The picture above represents everything that is bad about movie stars straying into the music world - William Shatner. The two images are linked to below and are clips displaying his musical "talent". One is Shatner doing a spoken word version of Elton John's Rocketman, the second is him rapping about Shakespeare. Madness.

Shatner rapping at this link

Shatner the rocketman at this link

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